Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gutsy gibbon IM setting

I installed gutsy gibbon by upgrade.
at feisty,first changed /etc/apt/sources.list file.
replace all "feisty" into "gutsy" using ":%s/feisty/gutsy/g" command in vi.

and "sudo apt-get update"
and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".
that's all and it will takes about 40 minutes in my pc.

I installed english and korean language.

but log-in as english setting in GDM does not accept me to use korean input.

so I googled about solution.

Here's my soulution.

$ sudo apt-get install scim-hangul im-switch ttf-unfonts ttf-alee

$ sudo im-switch -z en_US -s scim-hangul

this command make you use korean input in en_US locale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man, thanks for the info, it helped me to get Korean up and running. Ubuntu ROCKS!
God bless you!